Alvares de Azevedo was a writer of the second brazilian romantic generation, also called Byronian generation. He spent his childhood in Rio de Janeiro where he began his studies. He came back to Sao Paulo to start on his Law School where he became known for his brilliant writings. He had the ability to learn languages easily and was recognized for his young and sentimental spirit. He couldn't fini Alvares de Azevedo was a writer of the second brazilian romantic generation, also called Byronian generation.
He spent his childhood in Rio de Janeiro where he began his studies. He came back to Sao Paulo to start on his Law School where he became known for his brilliant writings. He had the ability to learn languages easily and was recognized for his young and sentimental spirit. He couldn't finish his law school because of the tuberculosis he had, many times proclaimed as the disease of the century since many authors of this age died of it, although what actually came to kill him was the horse fall by his twenties.
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